Parish of St Barnabas Homerton

A church for all ages and all nations and all people

Pre-Marriage Course

Due to significant changes in the life of the parish in 2023 there are no Pre-Marriage Courses planned for the coming year.  Sorry!

Who is it for? Couples who are engaged and planning a wedding, but also couples who are still at the stage of considering a lifelong commitment.   It is open to anyone.   Even couples who are already married.  (You don't have to be getting married in a church!)

What happens?  We use The Pre-Marriage Course produced by Holy Trinity Brompton.  This is a video based course, covering topics like communication, conflict, commitment, connection and adventure.  We watch sections of the video, pausing at intervals for couples to do simple exercises on their own, in a private corner of the building, talking over questions like, "What are our differences?", "What triggers conflict between us?", "What are the things we enjoy doing together?"  and "Will we have a joint bank account?"

We serve home made cake and refreshments half way through the session.

After the course is completed, we offer every couple a 1:1 in the privacy of our own home, a chance to discuss any particular issues in greater depth and to review the course together.

Interested?  Want to find out more or book your place? Ring Clive on 020 8533 1156 or  click here to email