Parish of St Barnabas Homerton

For the People of East London

All Souls Vicar archive


Scroll of Incumbencies


  The Risen Christ and All Souls Church

Clapton Park

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Born: June, 1855   Reverend Francis Henry Albert Hawkins   Died: March, 1940

(1888 – 1910)


Born: December, 1865   Reverend Harry Chalmers Gray Morice   Died: September, 1932

(1910 - 1913)


Born:   Reverend Walter Cadden Simpson   Died: 1958 

(1913 - 1917)


Born: June, 1885   Reverend Reginald Sowray Greaves

(1917 - 1921)


Born: September, 1887   Reverend Ralph Shakespeare Eves

(1921 - 1927)


Born: December, 1891   Reverend Harry Percy Greaves

(1927 - 1934)


Born: June, 1891   Reverend Reginald Harry Nottage

(1934 - 1936)


Born: June, 1890   Reverend Arthur Wilfred Leeds

(1935- 1972)


Born July, 1932   Reverend John Frederick Dilke Pearce

(1972 - 1981)


Born June, 1954   Reverend Stephen Cox

(1981 - 1987)


Born September, 1960   Reverend Derek Winterburn

(1989 - 1995)


Reverend Urmila Patel

(1997 - 2001)


Born November, 1943   Reverend Graham Claydon

(2003 - 2006)


Born July, 1952   Reverend Tom Haley

(2007 - 2016)


Risen Christ and All Souls Church 1905









All Souls group photograph









Early Vicar



Revd. Walter Cadden Simpson (1913-1917)











Revd. Reginal Sowray Greaves (1917-1922)











Revd. Ralph Shakespeare Eves (1922-1928)











Revd. H P Greaves (1927-1934)











Revd. Reginald Harry Nottage (1934-1936)











Revd. A W Leeds (1936-1972)











Revd. John F D Pearce (1972-1981)











Revd. Stephen Cox (1981-1987)










Revd. Derek Winterburn (1989-1995)








Revd Urmilla Patel (1997-2001)











Revd. Graham Claydon (2003-2006)










 Revd. Thomas Haley (2007-2016)











Original All Souls Indenture Document


To all to whom these Presents shall come The Very Reverend Robert Gregory Dean of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul in London and Richard Foster of Homewood Chislehurst in the County of Kent Esquires Send Greeting Whereas by a certain Indenture made the twenty sixth  day of August One Thousand eight hundred and eighty two a duplicate of which is filed in the London Diocesan Registry the perpetual patronage and right  of nomination and presentation of a Minister to serve the Church of All Souls Clapton became vested in and exercisable by The Reverend Arthur Brook the Rector of Saint John at Hackney the Reverend Benjamin Meredyth Kitson Vicar of All Saints Clapton Park the said Robert Gregory and the said Richard Foster and Charles Jacomb and other the Trustees for the time being upon the trusts in the said Deed declared And it was by such Indenture declared and agreed that whenever a vacancy in the death or desire to be discharged from the aforesaid trusts or departure from the Realm with the intent to reside abroad or their incapacity or unfitness to act in such trusts of any Trustees or Trustee for the time being or by reason of the said Arthur Brook or of any further Incumbent of the Rectory of Hackney (who should have been appointed a Trustee in succession to the said Arthur Brook) ceasing to be such Incumbent or of the said Benjamin Meredyth Kitson or of any future Vicar of the Parish of All Saints Clapton Park (who should have been appointed a Trustee in succession to the said Benjamin Meredyth Kitson) ceasing to be suck Vicar (any of which before mentioned events or matters should create a vacancy in the trusteeship of those presents) then and in every such case and when and so often as the same should happen in should be incumbent on the then Trustees or Trustee for the time being continuing to act in the trusts aforesaid or if there should be no continuing Trustees or Trustee on the Trustees or Trustee so desiring to be discharged as aforesaid and if there should be so such last mentioned Trustees or Trustee on the executors or administrators of the last surviving Trustee (exclusive of a Trustee or Trustees who might have departed the Realm or have become incapable or unfit to act in the trusts or otherwise disqualified as aforesaid) by any writing their or his hands and seals or hand and seal to nominate and appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying or desiring to be discharged departing from the Realm or becoming incapable or unfit to act or otherwise disqualified as aforesaid Provided always and it was thereby agreed and declared that upon the happening of the death of the said Arthur Brook or of any person thereafter to be appointed a Trustee in succession to him or of the said Arthur Brook or any such person as last aforesaid ceasing to be Rector of the aforesaid Parish of Saint John at Hackney the Office of Trustee should first be offered to the successor for the time being in perpetuity of the said Arthur Brook as Rector of the last mentioned Parish And that upon the death of the said Benjamin Meredyth Kitson or of any person thereafter to be appointed a Trustee in succession to him or upon the said Benjamin Meredyth Kitson or any such person as last aforesaid ceasing to be the Vicar of the said new Parish of All Saints Clapton Park the office of Trustee should first be offered to the successor for the time being in perpetuity of the said Benjamin Meredyth Kitson as Vicar of such new Parish And that when and so often as any new Trustees or Trustee should be nominated and appointed as aforesaid the aforesaid patronage and right of nomination or presentation should vest in and be exercised by the surviving or continuing former Trustees or Trustee (if any) and such new Trustees or Trustee jointly or wholly in such new Trustees as the case might require And that all and every such new Trustees or Trustee should and might in all things exercise such right of nomination or presentation as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if they or he had originally been appointed Trustees or Trustee of those presents And whereas the said Arthur Brook has ceased to be Rector of Saint John at Hackney And whereas the said Benjamin Meredyth Kitson has ceased to be Vicar of All Saints Clapton Park And whereas the said Charles Jacomb departed this life on the first day of August One thousand eight hundred and eighty seven And whereas the said Robert Gregory and the said Richard Foster are Trustees for the time being entitled to the perpetual patronage and right of nomination and presentation of a Minister to serve the said Church of All Souls Clapton Now therefore they the said Robert Gregory and Richard Foster as such Trustees in pursuance of the power vested in them by the herein before recited Deed of Twenty sixth August One thousand eight hundred and eighty two Do hereby appoint The Reverend The Honorable Algemon George Lawley the present Rector of Saint John at Hackney The Reverend George Charles Fletcher the present Vicar of All Saints Clapton Park and Frederick Charles Jacomb of 61, Moorgate Street in the City of London Esquire to be Trustees in place of the said Arthur Brook Benjemin Meredyth Kitson and Charles Jacomb respectively And do declare that they the said Algemon George Lawley George Charles Fletcher and Frederick Charles Jacomb shall stand seized or possessed of the perpetual patronage and right of nomination and presentation of a Minister to serve the aforesaid Church of All Souls Clapton jointly with the said Robert Gregory and Richard Foster upon the trusts of the said recited Indenture of the Twenty sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and eighty two And the said Algemon George Lawley George Charles accept Fletcher and Frederick Charles Jacomb hereby the said seize As witness the hands and seals of the said Robert Gregory Richard Foster Algemon George Lawley George Charles Fletcher and Frederick Charles Jacomb this twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ninety nine. _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Signed sealed and delivered

by the above named Robert)                                                                              

Gregory in the presence of)

William Donald Sinclair                                                                            

Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathedral, E.C


Signed sealed and delivered by

the above named Richard Foster)                                                                          

in the presence of          )

William F. Foster                                                                                              

Homewood Chislehurst Kent



Signed sealed and delivered by

the above mentioned Algemon George)

Lawley in the presence of                  )

William G. Ironmonger

4 Carterton Street,


Clerk in Holy Orders


Signed sealed and delivered by

the above named George Charles)

Fletcher in the presence of          )

William G. Ironmonger

4 Carterton Street,


Clerk in Holy Orders


Signed sealed and delivered by

the above named Frederick Charles)

Jacomb in the presence of               )

Alexander Melabrum

Commander R. N.